I don't know why I'm doing this, but sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit...

March 8, 2010

Jump around for the Yeti Angel...Woot woot...

So last night ended off on a much better note. My teacher friend called from my RCMP officer, friend's house and they invited me over for homemade Apple Crisp, Party Mix and a movie. I walked over (took me all of a minute as I can see his house from mine) and was greeted by the biggest, goofiest, loveliest Black Lab ever, who was wagging his tail so hard that had he not had legs, he'd be slithering like a snake on the floor. After such a shitty night/day of freezing my buns off, I needed a little puppy love which I promptly got after sitting down on the couch, Jack (the lab) plopped right down between me and my teacher friend, kicked us each into the corner and proceeded to snore/drool on my lap for the rest of the night. At least I got his head... snicker.... After watching the Usual Suspects, the RCMP officer cracked open the Party Mix and much to the dismay of the teacher, fed all the pretzels to the dog. He then polished off most of the bag, ate more Apple Crisp and then started moaning about eating to much. There is something mildly funnier about a police officer moaning and rubbing his belly in front of our now second straight episode of Dog the Bounty Hunter than just a regular dude. Then he said maybe he should start wearing armbands like Dog to "make his guns look buff" and I had to contain a snort. After all, they just met me... I should try to at least convince that I'm a little bit normal. Had the morning off work which was nice, but went into work at noon, just in time for all the school kids to be on lunch and coming in for their daily menu of 3 cans of pop and 5 bags of chips. They still aren't quite used to me yet and come and stand around me in little clusters staring up at me like I'm some sort of Yeti Angel, (ie the looks on their sweet little sugar-coated faces is a mixture of awe, adoration and "what the hell is this freaky lookin' thing????) and then just as fast as they came up, they get bored and trot away. So, humming away for the rest of the afternoon until I tried to tackle moving some shelves... fortunately the store was closed because the tackling became more of a battle. After 15 minutes of wrestling with the stupid thing and yelling at the "STUPIDF*&*INGPIECEOFS#*"M$%/$%F"/*&*I'LLSHOWYOUWHO'SBOSSFREAKIN...and so on, and so forth, the nice, shy little 17 year old stock boy comes around the corner looking terrified and whispers in his lilting Inuktitut accented English "You need some help, Allison?".... Oops... forgot he was there... He now is looking at me like he thinks I was raised by pirates. My manager comes back to lock up and takes me around to show me what needs to be locked up. He says he's going to get me own set of keys... Hey DUDE how 'bout getting me some SCREWS to put together my coffee tables which have been sitting in a pile on my living room floor for a WEEK!?" (inside voice... inside voice...) Came home (remembered to unplug the truck before driving away this time!!! One point for the Torontonian who's not in the habit of having to unplug my car!! Yippee!!) I think I have been spending to much time alone, because I was far to amused by the computer game I played simply because it was called "Polar Bowler" (liken it to the excitement Canadians feel when Canada is mentioned in an American TV show or movie "DUUUUDE... They just mentioned CANADA, EH?".... I'm in NUNAVUT so I'm going to play a game with POLAR BEARS!!!). The game involves you having to send, via a big sling-shot, a sunglass and Hawaiian shirt-wearing polar bear (with an apparent itchy scalp because it kept inexplicably scratching it's head....) down an ice bowling alley in an inner-tube. And so it starts again tomorrow......

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