I don't know why I'm doing this, but sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit...

March 7, 2010

First night in Nunavut with NO heat....

So my furnace had been have fits of noise that sounded somewhere between jingle bells and a panther in heat. After telling my manager, again, the local handyman came to fix it. Last night after an already crappy day I was unwinding with a What Not To Wear marathon on TV when all of a sudden there is a HUGE bang and a different screech, the sound of a belt snapping and flapping around and then, best of all, a shower of sparks that would rival any Canada Day or Fourth of July fireworks display inside the wall that I can see through the vent. Of course, then the panic sets in: Hop off the couch, run in a circle... ohmygodohmygodohmygod....run to the bathroom and grab the fire extinguisher (because the bathroom of course is the logical place to keep the fire extinguisher) read the instructions, throw the contents of my purse all over the floor looking for my keys because the furnace is in a little room only accessible from outside, WHERETHEF*#KAREMYFREAKINKEYS??? oh yeah, my coat pocket, go into the furnace room, flick on what appears to be a light switch, and hear another huge bang... WAAAAHHH WHY DID I MOVE TO NUNAVUT??? run back into the house, turn off the thermostat, sit in front of the vent for 10 minutes making sure the house isn't about to burn down....wonder if I should call one of my only 2 friends here yet, but it's 11h30 and, it's still 72F in here (we're in freakin' CANADA, why is my thermostat in Farenheit??) so I decide to rough it out for the night. On go the toasty warm long johns, marino sweater and vest (thanks Mum!), my Team Canada Olympic curling sweater (getting a lot of use of this baby!!) 2 pairs of socks and my pajama pants. In case the furnace decides to spontaneously combust I think it's prudent to sleep on the couch with the fire extinguisher within arms reach. Fall asleep with the TV on only to wake up to Tony Little screaming about how I can DOOOO IT with his crazy resistance band contraption to get in the best shape of my life. GO TO HELL TONY I'M TRYING TO SLEEP IT'S 4A.M.!!!! It's now 59F in here... look that up on my computer, turns out that's 15C. Feels a hell of a lot colder than that. I made it through the night, and realize the only 2 phone numbers I do have are the teacher's and the RCMP officer's. I tried knocking on my next door neighbour's door, who is the grocery manager at the store and there is no answer. So I walk over the RCMP detachment and no one is there and I'm not sure which of the 2 houses is my friend's. So I walk home and call him and he's really nice about it and says I'm welcome to camp out at his house for the day if I get cold and even sleep over (in the spare room, don't worry) if the furnace doesn't get fixed today. Call my manager and he doesn't seem overly concerned and calls me a few minutes later to tell me the dude is going to come over after church.... Church... Oh he better be prayin' alright. It's 52F in here now. That's 10C. I wish I had those mitt/glove things.... (mloves? glitts?) Freakin' cold in here...Last night I spoke with a good friend who was out a bar and I asked him to have his next drink for me and to REALLY enjoy it.... Well, I really hope he did, because man, I could really use a stiff drink right about now.

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