I don't know why I'm doing this, but sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit...

March 18, 2010

It's like Christmas! Only it's March, and this is already my stuff.

So, I got some boxes from my mum today. I wonder if I should tell her that at the Post Office, they have this new-fangled contraption called a "Postage Meter" that will weigh your parcels and print out a label with the right amount of postage. I sure hope these were the peel-and-stick stamps or that she got her dog to lick all these.....and yes, those are my feet to demonstrate the size of the boxes.


  1. oh just some of my stuff from home.... fridge magnets, a few pictures, my Jeff Foxworthy "You Might Be a Redneck if...." game, a feather boa, my talking Napoleon Dynamite doll, my Christopher Walken mask...etc.... you know, the essentials
