I don't know why I'm doing this, but sometimes you just need to shake things up a bit...

May 29, 2010

Oh the conversations that I have with people....

Actual conversation I had today... Me: "good morning", Customer: "I need to return these bullets" Me: "Ok, no problem" Customer: "Ya, my brother sold his shot gun for drugs and I am mad. The drugs will run out but the gun won't and so now I'm mad at my brother. It's not fair". Me: "Wow... uh... hmmm, that's um, to, uh bad?"


  1. Carolyn McMillan WillsJune 8, 2010 at 11:09 PM

    Hi Allison, its your second cousin Carolyn McMillan Wills. I have been reading your adventures way way up north, that have been interesting and funny. Way to go, trying something different, and sticking to it for as long as you have haaahaa. Dont know if l would have been able to, where is the June logs. Have you been to busy to write, is it getting a little warmer there, what is the temp now.

  2. Hi Carolyn,

    I was pretty busy, still am as we're short staffed with the boss being away! It's up around 7C these days which can feel like -2 if it's cloudy and windy or 15 if it's calm and sunny. It's beautiful up here and it's the best decision I ever made. Glad you're enjoying the posts!!!
